Corporate Supplier Sustainability Policies

  • Requirements
    • Suppliers should track, document and, upon request, report greenhouse gas emissions to Amazon. Suppliers are encouraged to establish a greenhouse gas reduction goal and publicly report against their progress.
    • Suppliers are encouraged to add pollution control equipment and/or modify production, maintenance, and facility processes to help minimize or eliminate air and greenhouse gas emissions, the discharge of pollutants, and generation of waste.
    • Suppliers should reduce fossil fuel consumption, and  consumption of other natural resources, including water and minerals, and avoid deforestation. Suppliers are encouraged to implement practices such as modifying production, maintenance and facility processes, materials substitution, re-use, conservation, or recycling.
    • Suppliers are required to identify, routinely monitor, control, and treat air emissions of volatile organic chemicals, aerosols, corrosives, partic- ulates, ozone depleting substances, and combustion by-products generated from operations as required by law prior to discharge. Ozone depleting substances should be effectively managed in in accordance with applicable protocols.

  • Methodology
    • Suppliers must report GHG emissions to Amazon upon request. Their policy does not state what method of reporting is required.
    • More information on Amazon’s Supply Chain Standards can be found contact us.
  • Requirements
    • 100% of Apple suppliers are expected to be carbon neutral for their Apple production by 2030. This includes the requirement that all suppliers must commit to using renewable energy for Apple production.
    • Apple maintains Supplier Responsibility Standards that include reporting and management on the following:
      • Hazardous Waste Management
      • Wastewater Management
      • Stormwater Management
      • Air Emissions Management
      • Boundary Noise Management
  • Methodology
    • Apple works with 3rd party audit programs to complete audits for their suppliers and ensure they are complying with all sustainability standards.
    • Suppliers must complete annual reports on the policies listed in their Supplier Responsibility Standards and have them readily available upon request.
    • Find more information on Apple’s supply chain sustainability commitments contact us.
  • Requirements
    • Suppliers should protect the environment and the conservation of natural resources, including seeking out sustainable materials and manufacturing methods to conserve natural resources and reduce waste. This includes measuring, managing, and disclosing environmental impacts, including public reporting on annual environmental performance in areas such as greenhouse gas emissions, water use, and waste generation and management. Suppliers are encouraged to set targets and implement action plans for reducing environmental impacts.
    • Within its Supply Chain Code of Conduct, Disney also policies around Human & Labor Rights, Animal Welfare, Supply Chain Management, Ethics & Responsible Business, and Quality & Safety.
  • Methodology
    • Disney itself discloses Sustainability and ESG metrics under SASB, GRI, UN SDGs, CDP, and TCFD. It is not clear from Disney’s website the methodology that its suppliers should report under.
    • More information here
  • Requirements
    • The Supplier Code, which is based on internationally recognized standards, including the Universal Declaration of Human Rights and International Labor Organization’s Conventions, consists of the following Core Principles:
    • ELC Suppliers must meet all requirements of applicable environmental laws and regulations related to their products’ development, manufacturing, and distribution. ELC Suppliers must strive to continually improve their environmental footprint including the promotion of sustainability initiatives such as energy and water conservation, pollution prevention, waste minimization, reuse, and recycling practices.

  • Methodology
    • Estée Lauder completes regular audits of supplier facilities to ensure compliance with sustainability requirements.
    • Read more about Estée Lauder’s Supplier Code of Conduct here.
  • Requirements
    • Throughout their operations, suppliers will work to reduce consumption of resources, including raw materials, energy, and water. Suppliers will track, document, and seek to minimize energy consumption and greenhouse gas emissions, and seek ways to improve energy efficiency and use cleaner sources of energy.
    • Suppliers will maintain a policy reasonably assuring that any tantalum, tin, tungsten, and gold in products they manufacture does not directly or indirectly benefit armed groups that commit human rights abuses in or near the Democratic Republic of the Congo. Suppliers will exercise, and will make available to us upon request, due diligence on the source and chain of custody of these minerals.
    • Suppliers will identify and manage chemicals and other materials that pose a hazard to the environment, to ensure their safe handling, use, storage, and disposal. Suppliers will identify, monitor, control, treat, and reduce hazardous air emissions, wastewater, and waste generated from its operations. Suppliers will adhere to our requirements restricting use of specific substances, including labeling for recycling or disposal.
    • Suppliers will work to reduce or eliminate waste of all types. Where waste cannot be eliminated, suppliers will manage and control all waste streams to comply with applicable laws and regulations, and in an environmentally responsible and secure way; this includes, but is not limited to, preventing illegal discharges and spills from entering storm drains, and treating as required prior to discharge or disposal of all wastewater and solid waste from operations, industrial processes, and sanitation facilities.
  • Methodology
    • Suppliers are expected to establish their own management system to carry out the requirements listed above. Their website does not specifically state where suppliers can report on these requirements.
    • More information can be found here.
  • Requirements
    • Companies must put in place systems to avoid accidental or gradual pollution of the air, soil, surface and underground water in the production and storage processes, including wastewater, as well as pollution during the transport of hazardous materials.
    • Ensure employees are aware of how to behave in case of an environmental incident.
    • L’Oreal is a member of the Supply Chain Program of the Carbon Disclosure Project to encourage our suppliers to measure and manage their CO2 emissions.
    • L’Oreal’s sustainable supply policy includes
      • Guaranteeing the traceability of all raw materials of renewable origin
      • Monitoring the environmental and social issues involved in each supply sector
      • Respect for crops and plant harvesting, which should make positive contributions to the economic development of producers and should be carried out with respect for traditional know-how based on biodiversity
      • The preservation of biodiversity and forests
      • The application of sustainable, low-carbon agricultural practices
  • Methodology
    • To guarantee suppliers are following sustainability policy requirements, L’Oreal carries out audits conducted by independent third parties.
    • More information can be found here.
  • Requirements
    • Suppliers shall develop and maintain environmentally responsible business practices and are responsible for compliance with environmental laws, including operating with relevant environmental permits and licenses, in the country of operation.
    • Macy’s has outlined “Sustainable Product Pillars”  that describe the requirements for their sustainability program. These include sustainably sourced materials, materials that are redesigned, refurbished, or reused, and chemical free practices.
  • Methodology
    • Macy’s does not state specific reporting requirements.
    • More information can be found here.
  • Requirements
    • Disclose complete, consistent, and accurate scope 1, 2, and 3 greenhouse gas (GHG) emissions data and/or components required to calculate GHG emissions data.  Suppliers may also be required to provide independent third-party assurance over such disclosed emissions data.
    • Provide and achieve plans to reduce Microsoft delivered goods and services absolute GHG emissions by a minimum of 55% by 2030 or an alternative reduction target pursuant to the baseline established in their Supplier contract or in other written communication with Microsoft.
    • Transition to 100% carbon-free electricity for their Microsoft delivered goods and services by 2030, as part of the above plan.  For further information and guidance on carbon-free electricity criteria, please visit the Environmental Protection FAQs. We recognize the challenges some suppliers may face in disclosing and reducing GHG emissions and we’re committed to working with suppliers. Additional details, including specific requirements for data disclosure, method, assurance, alternative timelines and/or targets, and achievement of planned reductions will be set forth in the Supplier’s contract or in other written communication sent by Microsoft to Supplier.
  • Methodology
  • Requirements
    • Comply with all applicable environmental and climate laws and regulations, including but not limited to laws and regulations that regulate hazardous materials, air, water emissions, waste, and climate management.
    • Support Mastercard with their sustainability initiatives. For example,  setting, tracking and measuring Science Based Targets for short-term ranging from five (5) to ten (10) years and long-term targets of more than ten (10) years.
    • Set, document, and share Science Based Targets with Mastercard.
    • Disclose accurate Scope 1, 2 and 3 GHG emissions data and/or components required to calculate GHG emissions data, via CDP or alternative(s) in a manner satisfactory to Mastercard. Failure to respond or disclose will result in a negative performance score leading to a potential reduction in future business.
    • Mastercard may request data such as baseline statistics, improvement plans, goals, remediation plans and associated timeframes with progress status.
    • Mastercard can audit their suppliers’ performance on environmental metrics, and poor performance can lower the supplier’s score and potentially reduce opportunities for future business.
  • Methodology
    • Mastercard may include sustainability requirements in their supplier contracts and agreements. Please review the details of your contract with Mastercard to confirm for your organization.
    • Find more information here.
  • Requirements
    • The supplier follows all legal requirements and Nike-accepted industry standards for air emissions and energy systems management. Routine monitoring and reporting are required for: greenhouse gases, volatile organic compounds, hazardous air pollutants, particulates, ammonia, ozone depleting chemicals and combustion by-products.
    • The supplier minimizes freshwater withdrawals and discharges wastewater in compliance with local law and regulations and the CLS. The supplier strives to understand and manage its water risk and promotes water reduction and efficiency in operations.
    • The supplier properly segregates, manages, transports, and disposes of all solid and hazardous waste in compliance with local law and regulations and the CLS. The supplier obtains all required permits and verifies solid and hazardous waste subcontractors are properly qualified and licensed. The supplier measures and continuously strives to minimize waste generation.

  • Methodology
    • Reports must be submit to Nike to prove compliance with Supplier Code of Conduct. Their website does not state what reporting methods are required.
    • Find more on Nike’s Supplier Code of Conduct here.
  • Requirements
    • Suppliers must strive to reduce, eliminate or prevent waste of all types by conserving materials and modifying their production or maintenance or facility processes. Suppliers must also work to reduce the volume and toxicity of products throughout the life cycle.
    • Suppliers must work with their own subcontractors and suppliers to assess and address environmental and sustainability issues within their supply chains.
    • Suppliers are expected to implement an environmental management system and focus on monitoring and continually improving their performance. Well-designed “key performance indicators” and meaningful short- and long-term improvement targets are essential.
  • Methodology
    • Suppliers must track and report to Verizon’s Environmental, Health and Safety team all waste materials managed on behalf of Verizon.
    • Find more information on Verizon’s Supplier Code of Conduct here.

See a company missing from the list?

Contact Us

Around the world, many companies are publishing corporate sustainability policies for their suppliers. Often times, these sustainability policies show up in a company’s “Supplier Code of Conduct.” If you do business with one of these companies, you might have found that there are specific sustainability-related requirements in the supplier contract, RFP, or other documents. We have been tracking requirements from many companies that publish their requirements publicly in this tracker above. If you see a company that you would like added to the list, contact us and we will get them added!