A Brief History of Sustainability Reporting

Sustainability Reporting: A Brief History

Across the world, organizations are now releasing sustainability reports. This reporting can be done voluntarily, however many government bodies and regulatory organizations are now enforcing mandatory reporting. Sustainability Reporting has…
SEC Climate Mandate

SEC Climate Mandate: Compliance Checklist

The United States Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has passed a climate mandate will have implications on thousands of companies, The Enhancement and Standardization of Climate-Related Disclosures for Investors. The…

What is Built-for-NetSuite?

Built-for-NetSuite Overview Perhaps you have seen it on our website or on other software platforms, but what does “Built-for-NetSuite” really mean? Built-for-NetSuite, or “BFN” for short is a program developed…

Glossary of Terms

Greenhouse gases (GHGs): A group of gases that trap heat in the Earth’s atmosphere, causing global warming and climate change. The main greenhouse gases are carbon dioxide (CO2), methane (CH4),…